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Łódź Białystok Bielsko-Biała Bydgoszcz Częstochowa Gdańsk Gdynia Kalisz Katowice Kielce Kraków Lublin Opole Poznań Rzeszów Szczecin Toruń Warszawa, Egejska Warszawa, Hanki Czaki Warszawa, Widok Wrocław
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Scar removal

Scar removal

Basic informations
Czas trwania zabiegu: od 30 minut
Rekomendowana ilość zabiegów: od 6 zabiegów
Cel: redukcja blizn.

Choose a salon,  to know the price of the treatment. The treatment is available in the salons: Białystok, Bielsko-Biała, Gdańsk, Kalisz, Gdynia, Kielce, Kraków, Opole, Poznań, Szczecin, Wrocław, Warszawa, Egejska, Warszawa, Hanki Czaki, Warszawa, Widok, Łódź, Częstochowa, Katowice, Lublin

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Treatment description

Postoperative and acne scars may cause emotional and physical discomfort, affecting the quality of life. In some cases scars may even reduce somebody’s mobility.

The postoperative scar removal procedure is usually painful, invasive and involves the risk of complications. The technology of laser scar removal from ALMA® is a non-invasive solution applying the fractional laser, thanks to which the scars could be removed quickly and efficiently, with lower risk, less pain and minimum full recovery period. Postoperative and acne scar treatment using lasers are based on the fractional laser technology. Laser impulses induce coagulation of the scar tissue and stimulate building up of a new, healthy cells. The healing period is short, the infection risk eliminated and the pain marginal or does not occur at all.


Laser scar removal cannot be applied in some cases. All these cases have been listed below:

  • pregnancy and breast feeding
  • fresh sunburn
  • some chronic diseases (e.g. autoimmune diseases, photodermatoses, psoriasis, diabetes)
  • some allergies
  • infections, e.g. active cold sore
  • keloid tendencies
  • blood coagulability dysfunctions
  • anti-coagulant discharge
  • cancer
  • isotretinoin therapy (the laser treatment may be performed 6 months following the therapy termination).


PALOMAR® LUX 1540™ head allows for reaching fabulous aesthetic results with no risk of complications. Comparing to other methods available on the market, this device considerably reduces the full recovery period. This is an intelligent solution provided for skin resurfacing, using micro-beams that surround damaged tissues with healthy cells. It enables faster healing and reduces side effects of the treatment.

Before the treatment

It is not necessary to prepare the skin in a particular way prior to the treatment. The skin should be clean, without pathological exanthemas. The treatment has to be preceded with the consultation.

Owing to a unique cooling system, discomfort throughout the treatment is inconsiderable and there is no need of anesthesia. The treatment may be followed by a short-term (up to 2 days) slight redness and edema. If intensive, it is not needed to reduce patient’s activities.

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  1. Kosmetolog dokładnie oczyszcza skórę
  2. Zakłada sobie i Tobie na oczy specjalne okulary ochronne
  3. Kosmetolog rozpoczyna zabieg od schłodzenia miejsca, które ma zostać poddane zabiegowi a następnie przy pomocy lasera aplikuje na skórę strzały różnej długości. Trakcie zabiegu skóra jest dodatkowo chłodzona, żeby komfort zabiegu był naj najlepszy
  4. Na koniec na Twoją skórę zostaje nałożony specjalny żel łagodzący
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After treatment

After-treatment procedures cover application of recommended skin care, photo-protective preparations. It is allowed to put on the makeup.

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Opinions of our clients
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Scar removal

Scar removal

Treatment description

Postoperative and acne scars may cause emotional and physical discomfort, affecting the quality of life. In some cases scars may even reduce somebody’s mobility.

The postoperative scar removal procedure is usually painful, invasive and involves the risk of complications. The technology of laser scar removal from ALMA® is a non-invasive solution applying the fractional laser, thanks to which the scars could be removed quickly and efficiently, with lower risk, less pain and minimum full recovery period. Postoperative and acne scar treatment using lasers are based on the fractional laser technology. Laser impulses induce coagulation of the scar tissue and stimulate building up of a new, healthy cells. The healing period is short, the infection risk eliminated and the pain marginal or does not occur at all.


Laser scar removal cannot be applied in some cases. All these cases have been listed below:

  • pregnancy and breast feeding
  • fresh sunburn
  • some chronic diseases (e.g. autoimmune diseases, photodermatoses, psoriasis, diabetes)
  • some allergies
  • infections, e.g. active cold sore
  • keloid tendencies
  • blood coagulability dysfunctions
  • anti-coagulant discharge
  • cancer
  • isotretinoin therapy (the laser treatment may be performed 6 months following the therapy termination).


PALOMAR® LUX 1540™ head allows for reaching fabulous aesthetic results with no risk of complications. Comparing to other methods available on the market, this device considerably reduces the full recovery period. This is an intelligent solution provided for skin resurfacing, using micro-beams that surround damaged tissues with healthy cells. It enables faster healing and reduces side effects of the treatment.

Basic informations
Czas trwania zabiegu: od 30 minut
Rekomendowana ilość zabiegów: od 6 zabiegów
Cel: redukcja blizn.

Choose a salon,  to know the price of the treatment. The treatment is available in the salons: Białystok, Bielsko-Biała, Gdańsk, Kalisz, Gdynia, Kielce, Kraków, Opole, Poznań, Szczecin, Wrocław, Warszawa, Egejska, Warszawa, Hanki Czaki, Warszawa, Widok, Łódź, Częstochowa, Katowice, Lublin

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Therapy scheme

Before the treatment

It is not necessary to prepare the skin in a particular way prior to the treatment. The skin should be clean, without pathological exanthemas. The treatment has to be preceded with the consultation.

Owing to a unique cooling system, discomfort throughout the treatment is inconsiderable and there is no need of anesthesia. The treatment may be followed by a short-term (up to 2 days) slight redness and edema. If intensive, it is not needed to reduce patient’s activities.

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  1. Kosmetolog dokładnie oczyszcza skórę
  2. Zakłada sobie i Tobie na oczy specjalne okulary ochronne
  3. Kosmetolog rozpoczyna zabieg od schłodzenia miejsca, które ma zostać poddane zabiegowi a następnie przy pomocy lasera aplikuje na skórę strzały różnej długości. Trakcie zabiegu skóra jest dodatkowo chłodzona, żeby komfort zabiegu był naj najlepszy
  4. Na koniec na Twoją skórę zostaje nałożony specjalny żel łagodzący
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After treatment

After-treatment procedures cover application of recommended skin care, photo-protective preparations. It is allowed to put on the makeup.

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