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Łódź Białystok Bielsko-Biała Bydgoszcz Częstochowa Gdańsk Gdynia Kalisz Katowice Kielce Kraków Lublin Opole Poznań Rzeszów Szczecin Toruń Warszawa, Egejska Warszawa, Hanki Czaki Warszawa, Widok Wrocław
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Closing broken capillaries

Closing broken capillaries

Basic informations
Czas trwania zabiegu: 15- 90 min.
Rekomendowana ilość zabiegów: od 3 zabiegów
Cel: zamknięcie rozszerzonych naczyń

Choose a salon,  to know the price of the treatment. The treatment is available in the salons: Białystok, Warszawa, Widok, Warszawa, Hanki Czaki, Warszawa, Egejska, Wrocław, Szczecin, Poznań, Opole, Kraków, Kielce, Katowice, Gdynia, Kalisz, Gdańsk, Częstochowa, Bielsko-Biała, Lublin, Łódź

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Treatment description

Broken capillaries, so-called, spider veins appear the most often in the facial area. They may result from genetic prerequisites, hypertension, excessive skin sensitivity to external agents, hormonal or cardiovascular disorders. Thanks to state-of-the-art beauty therapies, broken capillaries do not have to be the reason of our discomfort or complexes. The high quality equipment and the experienced staff of Laser DeLux® will certainly meet your expectations.

Removal of capillaries is a quick and painless treatment, carried out one-off in the case of minor spider veins. More serious ailments require several sessions. A professional closing of capillaries give efficient and long-lasting results and therefore the patient may enjoy his/her healthy and well-toned skin, free from any spider veins.


Broken capillaries closing treatment cannot be applied in some cases. All these cases have been listed below:

  • retinoid-based therapies (topically and systematically);
  • photoallergic herbs (St. John’s-wort, marigold, horsetail) and photoallergic drugs (antibiotics, steroids);
  • skin cancers;
  • photodermatoses;
  • skin inflammations;
  • suntanned skin, application of bronzer or self-tanning creams;
  • recent peelings;
  • diabetes;
  • connective tissue diseases, e.g. collagen disease
  • pregnancy;
  • reduced immunity.


Our lasers head allows for reaching fabulous aesthetic results with no risk of complications. Comparing to other methods available on the market, this device considerably reduces the full recovery period. This is an intelligent solution provided for removal of vascular and pigment lesions.

Before the treatment

It is not necessary to prepare the skin in a particular way prior to the treatment. The skin should be clean, without pathological exanthemas. The treatment has to be preceded with the consultation.

Owing to a unique cooling system, discomfort throughout the treatment is inconsiderable and there is no need of anesthesia. A treatment may be followed by a short-term (up to 2 days) slight redness and edema. If intensive, it is not needed to reduce the patient’s activities.

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  1. Kosmetolog zakłada specjalne okulary ochronne Tobie oraz sobie
  2. Kosmetolog rozpoczyna terapię od ustawienia odpowiednich parametrów lasera oraz mapuje miejsca, które mają zostać poddane zabiegowi
  3. Zamykanie naczynek jest szybkie i bezbolesne, dlatego nie będziesz odczuwać żadnych dolegliwości związanych z zabiegiem
  4. Po zamknięciu naczynek na skórę nakładany jest chłodzący żel
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After treatment

After treatment we recommend:

  1. not to expose the skin to the sun (or solarium) for minimum one month following the treatment
  2. to protect the skin with high SPF, since the UV radiation may cause discolorations
  3. not to apply irritating or drying agents onto the skin for a few days after the treatment
  4. to use the wound healing cream
  5. to avoid overheating of the treated skin (e.g. sauna, hot baths) and irrelevant physical effort that rise up blood pressure (workouts) as well as situations involving skin injuries.
  6. the thread veins have to be properly cared on a day-to-day basis.
  7. to apply appropriate beauty products/cosmetics fitting the spider veins, that assist in shrinking and strengthening of the capillaries.
  8. deficiencies of B2, PP and C Vitamins need to be supplemented.
  9. to protect the skin from cold and moisture through applying protective creams in the fall and winter time.
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Opinions of our clients
Laser DeLux / Treatments / Closing broken capillaries

Closing broken capillaries

Treatment description

Broken capillaries, so-called, spider veins appear the most often in the facial area. They may result from genetic prerequisites, hypertension, excessive skin sensitivity to external agents, hormonal or cardiovascular disorders. Thanks to state-of-the-art beauty therapies, broken capillaries do not have to be the reason of our discomfort or complexes. The high quality equipment and the experienced staff of Laser DeLux® will certainly meet your expectations.

Removal of capillaries is a quick and painless treatment, carried out one-off in the case of minor spider veins. More serious ailments require several sessions. A professional closing of capillaries give efficient and long-lasting results and therefore the patient may enjoy his/her healthy and well-toned skin, free from any spider veins.


Broken capillaries closing treatment cannot be applied in some cases. All these cases have been listed below:

  • retinoid-based therapies (topically and systematically);
  • photoallergic herbs (St. John’s-wort, marigold, horsetail) and photoallergic drugs (antibiotics, steroids);
  • skin cancers;
  • photodermatoses;
  • skin inflammations;
  • suntanned skin, application of bronzer or self-tanning creams;
  • recent peelings;
  • diabetes;
  • connective tissue diseases, e.g. collagen disease
  • pregnancy;
  • reduced immunity.


Our lasers head allows for reaching fabulous aesthetic results with no risk of complications. Comparing to other methods available on the market, this device considerably reduces the full recovery period. This is an intelligent solution provided for removal of vascular and pigment lesions.

Basic informations
Czas trwania zabiegu: 15- 90 min.
Rekomendowana ilość zabiegów: od 3 zabiegów
Cel: zamknięcie rozszerzonych naczyń

Choose a salon,  to know the price of the treatment. The treatment is available in the salons: Białystok, Warszawa, Widok, Warszawa, Hanki Czaki, Warszawa, Egejska, Wrocław, Szczecin, Poznań, Opole, Kraków, Kielce, Katowice, Gdynia, Kalisz, Gdańsk, Częstochowa, Bielsko-Biała, Lublin, Łódź

Powyższa oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego

Therapy scheme

Before the treatment

It is not necessary to prepare the skin in a particular way prior to the treatment. The skin should be clean, without pathological exanthemas. The treatment has to be preceded with the consultation.

Owing to a unique cooling system, discomfort throughout the treatment is inconsiderable and there is no need of anesthesia. A treatment may be followed by a short-term (up to 2 days) slight redness and edema. If intensive, it is not needed to reduce the patient’s activities.

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  1. Kosmetolog zakłada specjalne okulary ochronne Tobie oraz sobie
  2. Kosmetolog rozpoczyna terapię od ustawienia odpowiednich parametrów lasera oraz mapuje miejsca, które mają zostać poddane zabiegowi
  3. Zamykanie naczynek jest szybkie i bezbolesne, dlatego nie będziesz odczuwać żadnych dolegliwości związanych z zabiegiem
  4. Po zamknięciu naczynek na skórę nakładany jest chłodzący żel
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After treatment

After treatment we recommend:

  1. not to expose the skin to the sun (or solarium) for minimum one month following the treatment
  2. to protect the skin with high SPF, since the UV radiation may cause discolorations
  3. not to apply irritating or drying agents onto the skin for a few days after the treatment
  4. to use the wound healing cream
  5. to avoid overheating of the treated skin (e.g. sauna, hot baths) and irrelevant physical effort that rise up blood pressure (workouts) as well as situations involving skin injuries.
  6. the thread veins have to be properly cared on a day-to-day basis.
  7. to apply appropriate beauty products/cosmetics fitting the spider veins, that assist in shrinking and strengthening of the capillaries.
  8. deficiencies of B2, PP and C Vitamins need to be supplemented.
  9. to protect the skin from cold and moisture through applying protective creams in the fall and winter time.
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